Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I have 100+ pics, but here are some...

this is some of us who hiked up the vineyard mountain to the fortress on the hill. There was a bottle to take a picture with. Pictured: me, Laura, Maryanne, Alyssia and Christa. Jason took the picture and he and Alyssia were the only two on the hike I knew from UT.
Here's a picture of Jason taking a picture. We were always behind the others because we were taking so many pictures.
A cool tower.
Toward the top of the forttress; but I took so many photos, my battery died before getting inside. Too bad because there was a really cool garden with 4 statues, one on each edge. Also another Church, where I think the Bishops hearts were buried.
Back down in town, near the meditation area of one church. The Pieta.

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